A Closer Look at the Barrett 30mm Infantry Support Rifle

A Closer Look at the Barrett 30mm Infantry Support Rifle

The SSRS was designed to enhance lethality while keeping soldier safety. It gives soldiers the most modern counter-defilade features that enable them to engage threats hiding in cover.

Barrett Firearms, known for its high-caliber rifles, teamed up and MARS Inc, a tech start-up competing for the U.S. Army’s xTechSoldier Lethality Competition in order to create the team support grenade. Their creation was showcased at SHOT Show.

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United States Military relies on numerous sniper rifles to eliminate enemy combatants and material targets at a distance. The Army has used a variety of designs for long periods. The range of sniper rifles is from the Remington 700 classic to the Barrett 82 much bigger. However, a brand new rifle is set to change the norm. At SHOT Show 2022 this year, we took a detailed glimpse of the sleek-looking bartt 30mm infantry support rifle which could turn out to be one of the top models in the market.

The Barrett 30mm Barrettforsale infantry rifle is the result of a partnership between Barrett Firearms and MARS Inc. which is a cutting-edge technology start-up which is a finalist of the US Army’s xTechSoldier Lethality competition. Squad Support Rifle System (SSRS) was the idea behind. The SSRS is designed to be an integral component in the Army’s future soldier lethality system, with sophisticated counter-defilade options to eliminate threats hiding behind cover. The system is also designed to defeat unmanned aircraft and threats dismounted.

As opposed to the M320 variant, the SSRS can fire multiple rounds in one go and it can target targets from up to 500 meters from. It’s semi-automatic, magazine-fed and utilizes an unidirectional trajectory that cuts short the round’s flight time at longer distances.

The system can also fire the programmable weapon that is adapted to a variety of scenarios. These include proximity airbursts that stop personnel from being killed and proximity delays that destroy vehicles in defilade, and controlled proximity airbursts that are aimed at cluttered spaces.

SSRS is currently in development and is expected to be evaluated later on in the year. The company is expected to display it at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) annual conference in 2024. The event will showcase the most recent contribution for the army’s Precision Grenade System program. PGS will replace the obsolete M320 grenade launcher. The SSRS will be launched alongside other rivals like the PGS-010 of FN America. Interested parties can visit the Barrett booth at AUSA to see the SSRS model and find out more about the concept for the future of soldier lethality.


The modern-day version of a old-fashioned rifle, called the barrett 30-mm infantry gun, is a wonderful illustration. It’s made to fit the demands of today’s army by combining lethality, accuracy and practicality on the battlefield. It provides counter-defilade capability that allow soldiers to eliminate enemies that are hidden within covers. The MRAD gives soldiers the ability to accurately engage in a non-manned, unmounted aerial system opponents at close range. The MRAD will also help reduce the fatigue of soldiers and offers a user-friendly design and makes it easy for the user to customize. Tennessee Gunmaker received several government contracts, including from the U.S. Army Marine Corps and Special Operations Command, for its MRAD.

Barrett Firearms showcased their newest technology during this year’s Association of the United States Army’s Annual Meeting and Exhibition in 2024. The Squad Support Rifle System is an innovative rifle that allows soldiers to be more agile in battle. The SSRS is the company’s first entry in the army’s PGS program, a strategy designed to enhance the lethality of soldiers and their agility on the battlefield.

The SSRS is designed to function as an ideal partner to Carbines M4. The user-friendly style resembles an assault rifle. It comes with a butt stock that is integrated, and a five-round ammunition magazine. It’s capable of firing different types of ammunition such as airburst rounds to provide maximum versatility.

Barrett claims Barrettforsale that the SSRS can engage unmanned drones and dismounted enemies within close range with pinpoint accuracy. The light design helps reduce wear and tear on soldiers and permits them to find targets quickly. In addition, it can be chambered in a wide array of calibers, to meet the different operational demands that are required by the U.S. military.

The SSRS can be integrated into various accessories, including night visions and thermal sensors. It’s anticipated that it will begin testing in 2022. It is expected for service to begin in 2025. The SSRS will be used as a replacement for both the M24 grenade launcher and the M110 SAW in the event that it proves efficient. The SSRS can be fitted on light attack helicopters as well as armored cars. This would make it a truly versatile and effective squad-level weapon.

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For those who are fans of Star Wars will be pleased to learn they are not alone. The U.S. Army has developed an weapon like the weapon used by Luke Skywalker to take on his foes in the film. The weapon has 30-meter payload and is capable of firing high-energy, accurate bullets, as well as explosions. The rifle is also semi-automatic. It can hit targets between 35 meters and 500 meters from the target — including behind cover.

The gun is the result of a collaboration between Barrett Firearms and MARS Inc an innovative start-up in the field of technology that’s becoming a major player in the army market by introducing innovative guns. The gun is developed for use with the Army’s Precision Grenadier System program (PGS) that aims to revolutionize infantry weaponry. It combines a weapons system with advanced fire-control technology and ammo that is specially designed to provide that it will outlast close competitors.

The SSRS features powerful round 30mm cartridges that are about the same dimensions as Red Bull cans. It’s designed to provide extreme precision as well as a range of deadly lethality to serve multiple purposes. It has counter-defilade capabilities that allows soldiers to defeat enemies hiding in defilade, anti-UAS advanced capabilities, which permit them to combat unmanned aircraft and a light, ergonomic design, that can reduce fatigue while maximizing the efficiency of operations.

The SSRS’s deep cut in rifling is another impressive feature. It helps these massive rounds smash through the obstacles and aim at target after target from ranges of up 700 yards. Its barrel also has threads to take muzzle brakes that provide greater capacity to suppress. It weighs just 13.9 pounds, and has an 84 MOA rail that is built in for attachments that can be used in tactical situations.

Barrett’s MRAD is already a popular choice among military contractors. It’s apparent that the Tennessee-based company has achieved an optimal balance of user-friendly features and battlefield functionality and the ability to change calibers. The SSRS is available in 5.56mm or 7.62mm calibers as well being available in 338 Lapua.

Knight Technical Solutions Multipurpose Intelligence Grenade Systems, the XPG-01 from FN America, Rheinmetal SSW40 and Knight Technology Solutions Multipurpose intelligent grenade systems are all vying for the PGS Contract. The winner will be announced in 2026.


If you’re looking for a weapon capable of removing drones, defilade positions, and dismounted threats effortlessly take a look at Barrett MRAD. Barrett MRAD. This monster rifle comes with a 30-millimeter chamber, and can be the subject of tactical dreams. But, it’s not available to the general public yet.

Instead, the Army is testing it out in its Precision Grenade System (PGS) program. Created for contemporary combat and warfare, the MRAD is built to be an “one-size-fits-all” sniper rifle that is able to handle a range of combat situations, without the need for various types of ammunition or special accessories.

In order to develop the MRAD to develop the MRAD, the Army joined forces together with MARS Inc., a tech start-up that has been a finalist in Army’s xTechSoldier Lethality challenge, to bring the MRAD to the forefront of. The result is the SSRS it was unveiled at the 2024 Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Annual Conference.

As opposed to the other 30mm infantry supporting rifles, the SSRS does not need tripods and is carried by soldiers as a standard assault rifle. The SSRS has an overall dimension of 33.9 inches, and weights 13.9 pounds. The SSRS has a barrel that measures 12 inches with a rifling deep enough for keeping those 30mm rounds precisely on target.

The SSRS is equipped with a range of programmable fuzes, which are set according to operator specifications. These include proximity airburst to take down small UAS and unmounted targets time delay in order to deter individuals in defilade. Gated proximity airburst to clear the environment and mechanical point detonate that can destroy targets made of light material, as well as a self-destructing mode to provide enhanced survival.

If the SSRS fulfills the Army’s specifications It will be the latest standard infantry-issue rifle to be used by all branches of the military. It will replace M240LF and the M249 SAW, bringing improved capability and power to the frontlines. Take a look at Task & Purpose for more details on the Barnett 30. Join T&P for exclusive news about gear in your inbox every day. Find us on Facebook as well as Twitter.

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